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⚠️TRAFFIC ADVISORY⚠️ Clarendon County Fire Rescue units are on scene of a vehicle accident on Oak Grove Church Rd near Herod Dr. Please use caution if in the area. Roads are still covered in ice in some spots. Slow down and use caution today. See MoreSee Less
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HAZARDOUS TRAVEL CONDITIONS MAY EXIST INTO THURSDAY MORNING…There has been some melting snow this afternoon but astemperatures quickly fall below freezing tonight, expect anylingering water on roadways to refreeze. This could createhazardous travel conditions especially on secondary roads,bridges, and overpasses. This is more likely to occur in theeastern Midlands and CSRA where the higher snowpack is located.Black ice is difficult to see and distinguish from dry surfaces.The deceptive nature of black ice can catch you unaware while youare driving or walking, causing you to lose control of your motorvehicle or to slip and fall.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS…If you plan to drive or walk, remain alert for black ice. Slowyour driving speed and use care when walking on sidewalks,driveways or parking lots. Slips and falls constitute a leadingcause of injuries during winter weather. See MoreSee Less
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ATTENTION: STAY OFF THE ROADS DUE TO ICY CONDITIONS As darkness falls and icy conditions continue to affect our roads, we strongly encourage everyone to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. Your safety is our top priority, and by staying off the roads, you can help prevent accidents and ensure our emergency responders safety. Please stay safe and warm! ❄️🚑🚒☃️ See MoreSee Less
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#winterstorm25 #CCFR #firerescue See MoreSee Less
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⚠️Traffic Advisory⚠️UPDATED 9:28am ALL CCFR units are clear from the 121 SB on I-95. South Carolina Highway Patrol with remain on scene while Bob’s Body Shop works to clear the roadway. Clarendon County Fire Rescue units are on scene of a vehicle accident near the 121 SB on I-95. I -95 Southbound is shut down at this time. We will be out for an extended period of time. Please use an alternate route. See MoreSee Less
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Good Intent & False Alarms


Vehicle Accidents/Rescue